Former Employees:
• Log in to Edison: Extended Self Service > Work Center > Personal Information Summary to update your address.
• Need help? Call the Edison Help Desk at 1-866-376-0104 or 615-741-HELP (4357).
• Need a password reset? Contact your agency's Human Resources Office to update your email address.
If you cannot update your information in Edison, contact HR Support and provide:
1. First and Last Name
2. The last four digits of your social security number
3. Old Address
4. New Address (including county)
5. The agency where you last worked
6. Employee ID (if available)
Current Employees:
Update your address in Edison by clicking your name on the homepage and selecting the pencil icon in the Addresses section.
Please contact your agency’s Human Resources Office if you can't do this in Edison.
Wait 24 hours for changes to update in the system. For a mailed copy of your W-2, call Payroll at 615-741-7243 to request a reissue.